We have many media to present and highlight your desserts.
It seems foolish to make you buy tricks, displays and dishes (often expensive) that will only serve you once. This is why we offer to make our tableware available to you in the form of RENTAL..
It is also the guarantee for us to choose a medium adapted to the volume and weight of your dessert. The goal is to avoid a tragedy (imagine a tray on foot that breaks under the weight of a cake …).
We ask you for a deposit check for each loan, corresponding to the value of the items concerned. The bail cheque is not cashed. We will give it back to you when you bring back the supports, if they have not suffered any damage.
We only lend support to our customers who order a dessert.
ATTENTION, it is imperative to take us back to the shop the brackets within 5 days MAXIMUM after the DATE of the service. Like you, other customers also count on the platters!

The cut is always entrusted to a third party (most of the time the caterer).
In order to make this moment as easy as possible, we provide upon delivery a Cutting Plan. This one presents the cutting strokes for each level of cake as well as the detailed process.
On the cutting plan are also the choice of flavors that you have made.

Mounted Pieces, Mignardises and Number Cakes:
It is conceivable if you do not have the possibility to pick up your order at the shop, to have it delivered. It is charged extra: € 0.60 per km round trip.

Wedding Cake, Cream Cake, Naked Cake:
The delivery is always provided by us. It is charged extra: € 0.60 per km round trip.
We transport each floor of cake flat (in refrigerated boxes) and only assemble the cake at the place of reception (most of the time). This method allows us to avoid cold sweats by car and ensures you a cake in perfect condition during its presentation.
This moment is one of our favorites! This is an opportunity for us to discover your decoration, the atmosphere of the place and to feel the emotions of your loved ones in an atmosphere always playful and festive. We rarely have the chance to meet you physically during the delivery, but it allows us to rub shoulders with great teams that do everything possible to make your celebration unique.
In short, this is really when we have the satisfaction of having contributed with our little hands to your most beautiful party!

It is necessary to provide on your side a table (with topping if you wish) so that we can store the desserts there.
Depending on your desires, it may be nice to buy:
- Some elements of decorations to dress up the Table that will serve to present the cake
- Fires to sting on the Cake (Style Ice Fountain, Flare, Bengal Fires…)
- A Topper (banner, figurine…) of your choice that I can fix on the top of the Cake
We do not provide any of these items, preferring to let your desires and tastes run free.

Presentation of the Wedding cakes
There are two schools, two biases on this subject.
Option One:
The cake is stored out of sight. It is brought to the time of dessert, we put music, we celebrate, we make pictures, we cut a first part and hop he goes back to the kitchen to be cut out.
This pattern focuses on the surprise effect that closes a festive meal.
Warning: There is frequently a sense of frustration on the part of customers who saw their cake during a very short period of time when they were often very busy. The process of creating a dessert of this type often results from many weeks or even months of exchange, so it is natural to want to savor the result.
Option Two:
The cake is displayed in your reception room. It is presented on a table intended for this purpose and serves as an integral part of your decoration. At the time of the entrance of the guests in your room, it is often very appreciated and photographed. The guests exchange about it and the impatience to taste it is felt. At the time of dessert, we put music, we celebrate, we make pictures, we cut a first part and hop he goes to the kitchen to be cut out.
However, this option is only possible if the ambient temperature allows it. Therefore, consider a cool retreat solution (fresh room type, air-conditioned or refrigerated) in case of high heat.
This pattern focuses on the artistic aspect of the dessert and promotes sharing. It allows you to take full advantage of the dessert that accompanies you the time of the evening.
Warning: It is necessary to foresee a small sign with registered “This is a real cake, thank you not to touch”. This will avoid unpleasant surprises…